
Masters: Forced environmental initiatives 'hurt American industry and Arizonans’ wallets'

U.S. Congressional candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ-8) issued the following statement today in response to a Grand Canyon Times report on the Arizona Legislature joining a group of states against California's initiative to ban internal combustion engines:

Biden and his Environmental Bureaucrats are demented. They purport to speak on behalf of science, but they are ideological, not scientific. 

And they certainly do not understand business, or how badly their arbitrary regulations hurt American industry and Arizonans’ wallets. It’s good to see the Arizona legislature fight back against a federal government that has gone rogue.

Blake is a Conservative, America First Republican running to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.

A father, husband, entrepreneur and bestselling author, Blake was endorsed by President Donald Trump in his 2022 race for U.S. Senate. 

Blake grew up and attended high school in Arizona before graduating from Stanford University and Stanford Law School. He and his wife, Catherine, have four sons.